Student Leaders
Student leaders are selected based on their exemplary conduct in GTIS. Upon appointment into this role, they are expected to be good role models for their schoolmates. They undergo leadership training in this student club and learn what it takes to serve in maturity and humility, and what it means to be a servant leader. In addition, they serve to hold the discipline of the school, by the various responsibilities they take on, such as library and recess duties, and also ensuring the cleanliness of the classrooms. They also assist the teachers in ensuring that many of the school’s daily functions are carried out smoothly.

Football Club
It has been a long-standing dream of the school founder to have our GTIS Football Club hold matches with competing teams from other schools in Kampong Speu. In this club, students learn to be a team player, as well what it means to have good sportsmanship. Most importantly, it is a great way to blow off some steam after a long day of studying!

Music Club
Under the patient guidance of the teachers, students are taught to play musical instruments like guitar, keyboard and drums. The worship band leads the school in praise and worship during major school events.

Youth Brigade
The students are developed in character, leadership and physical fitness through the weekly parades and Youth Brigade camps. They also learn first aid skills, organise Community Outreach programmes and to serve with compassion and excellence.