Our History
Glad Tidings International School (formerly known as Hope International Primary School) was set up in April 2007 by Glad Tidings Church, Singapore in partnership with ICM Singapore. The school is located in a rural area in Kampong Speu. Our aim is to raise the educational standards of the children in that location as education is one of the ways to improve standards of living and also to raise the future generation of Cambodia.
The vision of Glad Tidings International School is to provide a holistic education for academic excellence and development of the whole person based on Christian principles. We are committed to producing students of integrity, discipline, resilience and compassion.

Glad Tidings International School Timeline and Milestones
Purchase land for Hope International Primary School (HIPS) in Kampong Speu.
Construction begins for the two-storey block with four classrooms, a principal’s office, and a staff room.
HIPS opens its doors with first intake of students in October.
Day 1 sees 3 pupils and 4 teachers starting off the new school year. It grows to about 30 pupils by month end.
Student enrolment doubles to 76!
Student enrolment increases to 135 and space is getting tight!
Acquire 1.7 hectares of land parcels nearby for new school site as well as dormitory facilities.
Ground breaking for new building, and construction for phase 1 begins!
At the old school site, student enrolment of 350 pupils is causing the school to burst at its seams!
HIPS is renamed Glad Tidings International School (GTIS).
First batch of Grade 9 pupils graduate with good results in the national exams.
BIG move into the new four-storey school building with 16 classrooms. Teachers’ and staff dormitories are also completed.
Classes start for high school (Grade 10 onwards).
Pastor Wendy Ng passes away while serving at the school. We remember and honour her as she dedicated her life to the school.
School renamed Glad Tidings International School in May 2014
Completion of Multipurpose Building in July 2014 (Phase 2). The school now has a canteen with the auditorium above it, and a covered linkway connecting it with the main school block.
14 teachers and staff were baptised in the MPB’s Baptismal pool (July 2014)
Inaugural Christmas Service held in the MPB (December 2014)
Completion of School Science Eco Garden. (January 2015)
Completion of mini Basketball court, badminton courts (March 2015)
First batch of Grade 12 pupils sat for the National G12 Examinations of Cambodia.
GTIS celebrates her 10th anniversary.
The school operates from Grades 1 to 12 and has 498 pupils, 25 full time teachers and 5 support staff.